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October 30, 2020Professional Headshots – A Surefire Way to Success

Professional headshots are a surefire way of getting noticed at a new job or a potential new job. Professionals always wish to reach new career milestones. The journey to these milestones requires hard work and a commitment to your goals. However, it begins with making a good first impression on those you collaborate with.
This first impression is made with the help of professional headshots.
Professional headshots are used in pretty much all industries today. Most businesses use headshots as well as acting and modeling portfolios. It was once only for actors and models but in todays world everyone needs a headshot.
Why are Professional Headshots Important?
Headshots represent you in front of others. As such, whoever looks at them is able to see your facial features and expressions, and form an opinion about you. To make sure this opinion portrays you in a favorable light, you must secure the perfect headshot.
Headshots for models and actors
Let’s say you are a model sending headshots to an agency. If your photos are high-quality, agents may hire you right after reviewing them. This is because the optimal lighting in which the shot has been captured allows your features to shine.
A good acting headshot can win you an audition for a highly coveted role in a cinematic project. This is made possible when your personality shines before they even meet you.
Headshots for business
For businesses, headshots are a great way to connect with their clients. The more professional a headshot is, the more it vouches for the former’s sense of responsibility.
Investors, collaborators, and customers wouldn’t want to talk to someone who looks unpleasant in their pictures. Instead, people would prefer communicating with someone who comes off as presentable and approachable.
Professional headshots create pleasant perceptions of business leaders. In capturing entrepreneurs at their best, these shots help people see them as easy to interact with. Armed with this information, more clients are able to approach businesses with queries. This is a massive advantage because the more customers are able to connect with you, the more they will purchase the products and services you are providing.
Undoubtedly, professional headshots are a good way to make a wonderful first impression. However, you must keep them up to date. On average you should be updating your headshot every two year. Teens and kids every year. Doing so guarantees that the person in your picture matches who you are in the present day and age!
If you would like more information about how to get the perfect headshot, feel free to book a consultation with Kevin Day, a leading Boston based photographer who has pioneered the field for more than a decade.